St. Paul's Lutheran Church AFLC

Confessional • Faithful


Hospitality Meeting

Sunday, September 8th 12PM

Join our volunteers after our 10:30AM worship as we discuss the next steps in community volunteerism this autumn season! We look forward to seeing you there!

Elders Meeting

Thursday, September 12th 6:30PM

Setting the church's vision!

The St. Paul's Church Elders are meeting to pray to God, to continually learn what He wants the church to accomplish, to further discuss the churches vision and mission, and to help lead the church in a forward direction. 

If you would like to get involved, or find out more about how our Elders participate in the churches mission, please feel free to join us- all are loved and all are welcome!

Special Guest!

Sunday, September 22nd 10:30AM

Retired Major Thomas Holland will be giving his assessment for evidence after reading the book

“Cold Case Christianity:


Join us in holy evaluation during this very special service, and stay for fellowship after!

We look forward to seeing you, all are loved and all are welcome!


The St. Paul's Leitersburg Lutheran Prayer Team congregate to pray for those in need of support during difficult times. The team seeks to provide love and prayer for members inside and out of the St. Paul's family in need of extra prayer, and anyone is welcome to join our team!


If you are interested in learning more before you attend, or just want to get started with a current congregant before our next available meeting, please reach out!

Pray With Us! 

Bible Study will NOT be meeting this month!

If you would like to request to study with a parishioner, have questions involving future Bible studies, or just want more information on St. Paul's, please reach out at the link !

You are loved and you are welcome ♡

Thank You Pastor Mike!

On Sunday, July 21, our congregation celebrated Pastor Mike's 3rd Anniversary as minister and friend. There was an air of excitement throughout the morning as the women set tables and people arrived with special dishes for their special pastor. The word was mum, and the congregation gathered to await his detained arrival for lunch. Members could hardly contain their eagerness to see him surprised. Prior to eating, Pastor was gifted with a lightweight, pastoral embellished blanket, a bookmark, a gift card to his favorite diner, and a large, decorated anniversary cake. With tongue-in-cheek humor, Barbara Raschka roasted Pastor with a poem that poked fun of his garlicky Italian diet , and his dry and sometimes off-the-wall dark humor. Though his little foibles brought laughter, the final verse conveyed the love (amore) and appreciation we have all come to feel for Pastor Mike; a grateful love for a man so willing to travel 65 miles once, and sometimes twice a week for a chance to expound on the truth of the gospel. Thank you, Pastor Mike, for three wonderful and blessed years!

Peach Fest 2024!

The St. Paul's family had an amazing time serving and selling our famous Cobbler this year! This year was an awesome success. We had some great laughs and made great memories. Twelve bushells of peaches were delivered for our famous Cobbler, and St. Paul's elder Barbara Gardenhour made delicious jams!

Thank you to all of our volunteers, and everyone that showed up in support and service to the Peach Festival!

See you next year!

Check out some fun photos of us on the move during this year's Peach Fest below

New Members Luncheon 2024!

St. Paul's celebrated several new members this January with food and fellowship.

We are all children of God, and we here at St. Paul's welcome all believers. If you would like to learn how to join our family, reach out HERE or come to one of our Sunday services! You are welcomed and you are loved!

  • The Hospitality and Community Team's Announcement!

    The Hospitality Team is meeting on Sunday September 8th after the 10:30AM service. All are welcome to join, or contact us to volunteer and become a part of our team!

    The Hospitality Team continues their Community Outreach of delivering bags of snacks and other items to service groups in our community! In 2023, bags were delivered to the Teacher’s Lounge at Old Forge Elementary School. The teachers thanked us for the thoughtful gifts and said no one has ever done anything like this for them before! Bags were delivered to the Leitersburg Volunteer Fire Department in June and another delivery will be made in July. They also are very appreciative!

    The team presented a bag of snacks and other food items to NorthPaws Animal Hospital on August 23, and will present another one in September. This outreach in our community to Old Forge Elementary School, Leitersburg Fire Department, North Paws, has been a wonderful way to show our appreciation for what they do, and they have all been pleased and appreciative to receive contributed, packed, and delivered bags!

    The St. Paul's family is so grateful for your help with this outreach! The ability to give back to our community and to be a positive part of volunteerism in our hometown is a gracious and thankful act that we can't do without you, and our gratitude is unceasing!

    Thank you again for your service!!!

  • We Encourage Animated and Enthusiastic Involvement in His name

    Please let us know if there is any other way you are interested in getting involved or contributing to St. Paul's. We welcome and encourage animated and enthusiastic participation- and love any and all gifts you have to bring to our congregation. You are home and heard here with us!

  • We Love Our Congregation and All Who Attend

    The St. Paul’s 2023 Directory has been created and beautifully assembled by our treasurer and long time congregation family member Debbie! Our family has grown and wehope to see you in the next printing!

    “The Church is not merely a building, rather, the Church is the people who trust in and belong to Jesus Christ.” -PR Mike

  • What Spiritual Gifts Do YOU possess?

    As a congregant of St. Paul's Lutheran we believe in assessing our Spiritual gifts!

    Many of our members have already taken a Spiritual Gifts Assessment to discover what our spiritual gifts are. As followers of Christ, we were given spiritual gifts to be used for the benefit of others just as other followers of Christ were given gifts for our benefit. The best way to be a "good steward" is to begin discovering, developing, and using your gift to serve the Lord and bless others. This Spiritual Gifts Assessment is designed to help you do just that!

    How do you believe you may serve Him? Are you ready to find out?

    Contact us at the link if you are interested in becoming a congregant at St. Paul's and taking your Spiritual Gifts Assessment !

    As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.

    1 Peter 4:10


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St. Paul's Lutheran Family in Action

Scroll down to see everything new!

  • Pastor Mike Ross at the consecration at Communion

  • The English Standard Version Bible, used every week at our 10:30am service!

  • The Pulpit during Easter celebration

  • Our very own Moses at the pulpit during bible study on Sunday morning!

  • Liam our new acolyte!

  • Mary Henicle and Barbara Raschka helping make peanut butter eggs at St. Paul’s Easter fundraiser celebration!

  • Our smallest congregant, Naylani!

  • Easter Breakfast! The St. Paul’s family having a feast, with Kadeem Brim ad his children Naylani and beau, Moses Selvert, and Danny Grove.

  • Good food, great company, a full house in May at St. Paul's!

  • Adding a new member to the St. Paul's family with Naylanis baptism!

  • Everyone is welcome, all the time!

  • Best buds are made at church!

  • We host pancake breakfasts, family dinners and LOVE our snacks!

  • At St. Paul's, you are loved and you are welcome! We can't wait to see you this Sunday!

  • Out on the town: the St. Paul's Family at David, an amazing play with equally amazing company!

  • Two of our elders and loveliest congregants.

  • The St. Paul's chapel at Christmas is a blessed and beautiful place.

  • A rockin' Christmas Eve with two of our finest and most Musical members, Sam Keaton and Charles Rice!

    Come share your gifts with us at our next service!

  • Pastor Ross and visiting Pastor Dan with website designer and newly baptized member Brit!

  • The ladies of St. Paul's celebrating Mother's on Mother's Day 2023!

  • Visiting with us here is Bishop Vince, leading a moving service behind our beloved PR. Mike Ross

  • Vinnie, Bishop Vince and Acolyte Dom!

  • Bishop Vince and Ms. Melody after Sunday Service!

  • Family to family: St. Paul's and Pastor Ross's family come together, July 2023!

  • Smiles and snacks at our July 2023 Luncheon!

  • A full house and an awesome spread at our July 2023 Luncheon!

  • Relaxing in the pews

  • Decorating with joy this season!